75+ Reise Online-Quellen - Jetzt kann's losgehen!
Das Reisebuero meint alles ist ausgebucht, Preise erreichen unerwartete Rekorde, der langverdiente Urlaub steht an und das Budget ist knapp - Zeit die Recherche selbst in die Hand zu nehmen. Erste Hilfe gibt diese Sammlung von Seiten ueber die besten Onlinequellen um dich an dein Ziel zu bringen. Hier findest du Reisezielsuchseiten, Reiseangebotsseiten, Reisenetzwerke und Seiten mit Nutzer-generierten Inhalten. Gute Reise - Jetzt kann's losgehen!!
More Resources in English:
Travel Toolbox: 75+ Online Travel Resources
Travel Hacking: Essential Sites for Summer Travelers

Opodo- Linien-, Charter- und Billigflüge von mehr als 500 Fluggesellschaften und mehr - The leading pan-European online travel company.
FareCompare- An insightful fare comparison service, good for acquiring a base of information towards an educated buying decision.
SideStep- One of the premier ways to find cheap flights and hotels. Searches many sites at once for optimal price and selection.
Kosmix Travel- Search and find flights, hotels, and cars.
Trabber- Nicely implemented, multi-site, flight search engine.
FareChase- A powerful flight and hotel search engine, one of the best out there.
boo.com- Travel search engine, price comparison, and review service.
Tripbase- Personalized travel research “assistant”.
Kayak- Ranks among Farechase and SideStep as the best ways to find cheap flights and hotels. Kayak is especially efficient for international flights.
JustStepsAway- Vacation rental search engine.
Rent Me A Vacation- Find and share rental vacation homes worldwide.
Hotels Finder- Google maps hotel finder mashup. UK and North America only.
Mobissimo- A “travel search engine” which queries a large amount of travel sites, allowing customers to quickly book trips which suit their needs as easily as possible. Mobissimo also includes language localizations for the UK, France, and India.
BroadwayZone- An informative way to research, find, buy tickets, find directions and hotels for any Broadway show in NYC.
Gigablast- Travel search engine with well listed, useful results.
Travelocity- A traditional way to find cheap flights, hotels, cars and vacation packages. Ranks among Expedia, Priceline, etc.
Boomtrek- A city-search resource with integrated Google Maps. However the comprehensiveness of the results is questionable.
Cheaptickets- Discount airfares, hotels and flights. One of the traditional resources for discount tickets.
411Sync- A local search utility constructed for use on your WAP enabled mobile phone. One catch, it only works for American cities.
flyspy- An airfare search engine currently in beta, only allowing for Minneapolis as the origin for the time being. Anyways, the site makes good use of graphs to educate the consumer.
Dohop- A flight search engine, slightly less comprehensive than the others.
Farecast- One of the most innovative travel sites out there, it offers very web 2.0-ish fare prediction with graphs and such. It also features RSS to watch fares you’re interested in.
Orbitz- Another one of the traditional discount flights, hotels and cars resources.
Expedia- Much like Orbitz, a good resource for finding and booking discount flights, hotels and cars.
Priceline- Yet another one of the traditional resources for booking inexpensive flights, cars and hotels.
mapmyhotel- A dynamic hotel fare search engine. Nevertheless, it only offers services for six America cities and London, however the service is apparently revamping with more selection.
cFares- A multi-faceted, comprehensive travel search-engine effectively implementing discount carriers and fares.
Vayama- Search for and book your trip as effectively as possible in a wonderful interface.
Deutsche Bahn - Find train times between stations anywhere in Europe
Travelsupermarket - Price comparison site for flights and hotels. It also does holidays, car hire and more.
Social Networks mit Bewertungen von Mitgliedern
Tripadvisor- One of the bigger social Networks: 10,000,000+ traveler reviews & opinions of hotels
Hospitalityclub- Network, founded in Germany, for free accomodation around the world, based on the idea of sharing hospitality
Everytrail- A GPS geo-caching, social networking and travel tip sharing service.
iloho- One of the most established online travel communities with a digg-like froontpage where you can vote on user submitted stories.
TripUp- A travel-oriented social network.
Vcarious- An all-in-one travel community with blogs, photos, videos, hotels, entertainment and travel tips.
TripTie- An established community of travelers in which you’re encouraged to “remix” others travel plans and base yours upon that.
myTripbook- Yet another travel-oriented social network. Not particularly unique feature-wise, but it is quite visually pleasing.
WhereTo.org- A geo-caching utility with tag support and a social recommendation system.
MyTripz- Plan and share your travel experiences aided by photos and journals.
Zopto- Organize record and share your trips.
Dopplr- A service geared towards frequent travelers in which you share your plans with a group of people you’ve chosen and gain their feedback and advice. However, it’s currently in invitation-only beta.
Triporama- Plan, research and collaborate on group trips.
Cosmotourist- A social network which revolves around travel tips and reviews.
Jauntlet- Research and book your interactive travel plan. It also offers you the ability to include maps and photos, as well as sharing your plans on many popular sites like MySpace, FaceBook, and Blogger.
TravelTogether- Another travel oriented social network, share travel plans, advice and deals. However, The interface is a bit cluttered and is annoying to navigate.
WAYN- Log and share your travel experiences.
Matador- A social network based on travel and the outdoors, with an integrated, free, travel-blog service.
Reisefuehrer, Tipps und Empfehlungen

WikiTravel- A wiki for travelers, the openly editable model allows for complete and comprehensive travel guides for even more obscure locations.
geobeats- A video-based travel guide with high production values, but no user submitted content.
Frekfly- A great resource for travelers regarding practical information such as airport location, weather, available transportation, etc. Frekfly also makes use of Flickr and Google Maps.
Yahoo Trip Planner- Create a trip, add flights, hotels, attractions, etc. onto a customized travel guide. You can also share your plans with friends and family.
Tripit- Trip planner and organizer still in beta.
TripMojo- A comprehensive, wide-ranged travel guide with good search implementation.
tripcart- Comprehensive road trip planner and travel guide.
World66- A social travel guide in which you can write, and update existing articles. Similar to WikiTravel.
atlarge- Airport review service with integrated Google Maps.
Chokti- Research and plan your travel adventures with guides, videos, maps, reviews, and podcasts.
Epic Trip- A community travel review site with a nice interface.
RealTravel- An effective way to share travel experiences.
CItyTherapy- A travel site based on entertainment. A great way to share quick travel tips.
here or there- Share your own, and rate others’ travel experiences.
TravBuddy- Share a wide-range of travel experiences with the community.
TravelPost- Share hotel reviews and travel advice.
Trivop- A “videoguide” for hotels worldwide, with integrated google maps of course. However, the interface is slightly cluttered and the selection of hotels is limited.
TripConnect- Travel and hotel advice community.
geojoey- A google maps mashup in which you can correlate your travel experiences. The community can also vote on others’ experiences.
Sleeping in Airports- Wo und wie kann ich am Flughafen kostenlos uerbernachten
Travelistic- “Youtube for your travel videos”, Travelistic provides a well implemented interface for sharing your travel videos. However, many of the videos are marketing ploys from either the ministry of tourism or various commercial travel services. It has yet to really gain much a community.
Google Ride Finder- Find taxis and shuttles in various US cities.
Licketytrip- A good resource for last minute vacation home rentals worldwide.
4Hotels- Provides detailed hotel information across the United States.
MotelPoint- American motel and accommodation directory.
HomeAway- Vacation home rental marketplace.
Ridester- Online marketplace in which you can buy or sell rides in a community based on user feedback.
AirTroductions- An interesting concept, where you in a sense “plan” who you’ll sit next to on your next flight. The prospect is to help you make business contacts r meet someone you have something in common with.
PairUp- Like AirTroductions, it allows you to make business connections on your travels.
Google Transit- Get around without a car or Taxi, find how to get from a to b with public transit. The one catch, it only works in a couple US cities as well as Japan.
Whirl Pad- Free travel blog service.
FlightAware- Free, live, flight tracking service for both private and commercial air traffic.
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1 Kommentar:
Have you considered adding http://www.qtripper.com to your list of travel web 2.0 sites?
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